Tips From a Voice Coach to Sell More Cars

Sell More Cars Working With a Broadway Performer

Who would have thought that a broadway performer could help with car sales? Initially you may find that odd but when you give it some thought, sales is like giving a performance in that you need to always be listening to your audience and giving it your best to best serve. If you are not authentic, you will flop and maybe even booed off the stage. Authenticity and trust are the building blocks of any good sales process. To have consistent car sales in a car dealership, this is especially true since many people come in the door with huge distrust expecting to be taken for a financial ride.

Sell More Cars and Make More Money

Cindy Ashton of Your Persuasive Voice works with corporate business and entrepreneurs and sales teams to help them improve their speaking voice and make them more magnetic and trustworthy. After applying a few of her tips and exercises, people see a HUGE improvement in sales conversions. This is the same for those wanting to sell more cars in car dealerships. We all know, the best on the sales floor are always improving their car sales techniques. They take them with them wherever they go.

Car Sales Techniques

Watch the video for her sales techniques and you will may be surprised at how easy they are to apply immediately. If you are interested to sell more cars, you have nothing to lose here. If you watch it to the end, there is even a surprise for you that nobody else gets.

If you want to sell more cars working with a broadway performer or sell more anything or just improve your sales conversions, you can contact Cindy Ashton at Your Persuasive Voice and tell her Rebecca sent you. You will have some new tools to add to your sales techniques tool box. Great sales people never stop improving.